Sunday 3 October 2010

Giveaway win two!

A couple or so of posts ago you may remember I mentioned I'd been very lucky and won 2 giveaways. Well on Friday my prize arrived from Jacqueline (of JAusten Jewellery Design). Jacqueline offered the winner a choice of a custom made piece of jewellery; a piece from her folksy shop; or a mystery prize. I chose the mystery prize option! And look at what she sent me!!! Its soooo yummy! I arranged a Christmas swap with Jacqueline a while back (through the folksy forums) for a pair of earrings- I have given the earrings to Phil to give back to me for Christmas. This necklace will match the earrings perfectly.

Jacqueline sells wonderful gemstone and precious metal jewellery from her folksy shop. Here are some of my faves from there- although dont hang about if you see something you like- Jacqueline's stuff sells REALLY quickly as its such high quality and VERY resonable- seriously- Jacqueline is selling thes goodies way too cheaply so grab them quick before she sees sense and puts her prices up to what they are worth!

Now I'm not a big jewellery buyer as I like to make my own, so although I happily admired Jacqueline's jewellery my bank balance was relatively safe...and then she opened a destash shop! Oh will power is taking some beating. I am still just about managing to be craft neutral (only spending money on crafts if I have sold things) but Jacqueline is really making that difficult. I haven't yet bought from her fab destash shop but have my eye on pretty much everything! Another place where people snap up her goodies the instant they are listed!

Thanks you so much Jacqueline for the wonderful necklace. And for being such a great supporter of us all in the list a day challenges on folksy.

ps. Just over 24 hours left to enter my giveaway if you haven't already done so.


  1. That necklace is gorgeous! Very very jealous! And I agree about her destash shop unfortunately I don't have as much willpower!


  2. What a beautiful necklace! You really are lucky!

  3. I am blushing! Thank you so much for this wonderful blog! I don't know quite what to say!

    I am so glad you liked your prize Gemma and I plan to do another give away when I reach 75 sales! This may be some time away though as there is a lot of competition on Folksy - everyone makes such wonderful designs!

    Thank you so much again and congratulations for winning two give aways.

    Jacqueline x

  4. You are so lucky Gemma, and Jacqueline is a 'Gem' in her own right!

    It was so lovely of you to display such a wonderful gallery of her work from both her shops!

    Natalie x

  5. What a lovely blog post. Jacqueline's items are fantastic and look lovely all together here! Your necklace is gorgeous xx


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