Friday 1 October 2010

September Stars: Days twenty-seven to thirty and finale!

Made it to the end of the stars so a slightly different post from me today- my last 4 day's listings and then everthing else that was listed by the stars yesterday!

And the big finale! Everything that was listed yesterday!! As ever, click on the pics to be taken to the sellers' shops to find out more.


  1. What a massive blog feat! Well done you on putting together this September Stars Massive Feature gallery, and the items look stunning together, showing what a talented bunch of folksy artisans the Stars are!

    Natalie x

  2. Wow, what a great job! It must have taken you ages. And all the items are so lovely. Thanks ever so much.

  3. My goodness that must have taken you ages!
    Looks great too, well done to you and everyone who took part in September.

    Its really inspired me, thank you xx

  4. this must have taken ages. Its fab to see everything all together like this, so many lovely items are listed :-)

  5. Thanks!
    It did take quite a while even with copy and paste for the code. I spent at least an hour on it last night and then some more this morning. Def worth it though- all those yummy items together like that!

  6. What a great job you`ve done.They do all look great together. Thanks for including y scarflet. Linda

  7. we bow down to your tenacity... well done Gemma ;-) thanks for including my bunting brooch too!

    Katie x

  8. Wow That's dedication Gemma!!
    Thanks for including my Holly Leaves...
    Bring on the October Folkfest!!


  9. What an amazing blog! How did you get all the pictures to do that? I can only get them to go in a line down the page!

    Thank you so much for featuring all the stars posts and especially for featuring mine - you are the best!

    PS Love your jewellery too!

    Jacqueline x

  10. That's fantastic - what a huge job! We are a clever lot :)
    Thanks for including my xmas cards - everything looks fantastic together! Here's to a great October...xx

  11. Ooh, just catching up, and this is fabulous! What a star you are for including everyone's listing. And don't they look great all together.

    Sam x


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