Tuesday 5 October 2010

And the winners are...

I wrote down all you lovely entrants in 3 separate lists and used a random number generator to pick the winners.

Fossil shell necklace- Moody cow designs
Silk scrap earrings- NofkantsCurios
Forget me not earrings- noodleBubble

Congrats Trish, Natalie and Lisa!!

Thank you to everyone who took part and special thanks to everyone who took the time to browse my shop and tell me what your fav things are. I found it very interesting!


  1. Oh Wow! Thank you so much! I just know the earrings will be stunning!

    You are so kind!

    Look after yourself Lovely, as I here you have been under the weather!

    Natalie x

  2. Cartwheels in...

    ............Cartwheels out

  3. well done to the three winners, I'm sure you're going to love your fantastic prizes! xx

  4. Congrats to the lucky winners! I'm so jealous :-)

  5. Well done to the winners - you won't be disapointed! Hope your on the mend now too Gem, take care x


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