Tuesday 5 October 2010

October Folkfest: Days one to three

Yes, I know this is very late... For about a fortnight I have felt like I was coming down with something and it finally hit on Fri (although I was too busy to let it hit me on Fri so I attempted to ignore it.) I spent the majority of Sat-Mon feeling very sorry for myself and cuddling up on the sofa under a duvet watching lots of Futurama on dvd! I somehow manged to continue listing but still need to catch up on viewing and promoting. Feeling much more with it today- actually feel capable of moving and looking at a computer screen! Yay! I'm even thinking that I should be ok to tutor D tonight (cancelled all of yesterdays and this morning's tutoring). I have to go really or I'll miss my weekly dose of being attacked by his two cute little brothers who always come running to meet me to say hello to my zebra pencil case!

Anyhow.... here's what I listed in days 1-3.

Lots of new 'faces' in the listing club this month as well as some who have been in the monthly listing clubs forever! No particular theme today- just 3 of the many things that caught my eye each day. As ever, click on the pic to find out more.


  1. What beautiful things you have chosen, Gemma. I love those ear-rings from Fairly Girly, and I must admit, I've got a coule of monster t-shirts on order myself.
    Great choices. Thanks a million for including me and my buttons.

  2. Awwh, thank you much for featuring my photo frame - that was really lovely of you! I love your resin flowers, they are so delicate and pretty. This is my first attempt at one of these daily listing challenges and I've been amazed by the sheer number of beautiful things people have made so far :)

  3. sorry you have not been feeling well ((hugs))
    I love your flower earrings they are so pretty, love all the other items you have included, those spiders are so cute!

  4. Get well soon Gemma!

    Thanks so much for including my Phantom Necklace with these loving Folksy creations!

    I love the creepy spiders and the handmade ceramic buttons.

    Jen x

  5. Hope you feel really well soon :-)

    Lovely selection - especially like the phantom necklace.

    Sam x

  6. Thank you for including my spiders. Hope you're feeling much better soon!!

  7. Glad you are feeling a little better. Thanks for featuring my earrings.

  8. I could just eat those buttons! Love them!


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