Saturday 5 January 2013

Goodbye 2012, hello 2013

Hello lovely readers. I hope you had a fab end of 2012/beginning of 2013. Regular visitors may have noticed I didn't get around to my roundup posts for Nov or Dec but then I was very busy with real life and didn't make anything. :(
Hopefully 2013 will start as creatively as last year and continue for the whole year this time! I have already finished something so will have at least one thing to report at the beginning of Feb.

Other plans I have are to continue where possible with the OTTBS book review project, Bead, Book & Bounce (info here- we are having a little break but will be up and running again soon). I'm also hoping to have another go at a year long challenge. I'll be doing earrings again as I didn't get very far last year. Oops. Others in OTTBS are doing pendants or rings. Some crazy people are doing more than one!
Also, did you see my post last year about my pay-it-forward giveaway? At the time of writing this there are still two places up for grabs. Who fancies getting a present from me? Details here.
I'm also going to be going on a bead retreat this year! Majorly exciting!!! A long weekend of beading and nattering with like minded folk, most of whom I've only 'met' on facebook. Going to be muchly fun. :oD

Hmmm, what else. Not sure.....

Catch up again soon

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Gemma, I wish you can keep up with your plans and make and show more earrings, I haven't been really in the blogosphere for long time as some things stopped me from blogging. It is nice to be back and read my favorite blogs sometimes :)


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