Saturday 10 November 2012

Pay-it-forward Giveaway

Hello lovely readers. Hope you are all well. I am good but considering hibernating till spring....did we miss autumn? Brrrrr!
Today's post is all about a pay-it-forward giveaway. I have entered a fab giveaway from the lovely Nancy of Because I'm going to get something from Nancy, I will be making goodies for three people. So who wants something from me? If you want to join in you must also agree to make something for 3 people within a year and they will have to agree to the same and so on, spreading the handmade love around!
I have no idea what I'll be making yet. Could be anything from a handmade card, to jewellery to decoration to who knows what! I'm not going to tell you what I'm making you either so hopefully it will be a lovely surprise when it arrives. I am happy to post worldwide.
So who wants to play? The first 3 people who comment saying they want to join in will get some sort of handmade item from me within the next 11 months (I was a bit of a slow coach actually getting this post up!)


  1. I WANT TOO! I meant to write something then got sidetracked to the sofa where I promptly fell asleep for 4 hours.

  2. Thanks Janine! First spot taken. Anyone else?

  3. Place 2 taken via facebook, thanks Emma.
    One spot left if anyone else is up for it?


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