Tuesday 12 October 2010

October Folkfest: Days ten to twelve

My listings...scraps of pink and black glitter lace in various resin shapes. I have another pendant to come in this lace too. I'll list it tomorrow :o)

So me thinks I shall pick pink and black things from other fokfesters. As ever, click on the pictures for more details.


  1. Lovely selection. I love the bat bracelet, and your lace resin jewellery is beautiful - like spider webs.

    Sam x (A Simple Melody)

  2. Wow Gemma, thanks for featuring my little cake! I thought my views were up :) I'm loving all your resin jewellery and I do love those dear little daisy chain earrings,

  3. thank you Gem for featuring the little PINK purse ,what great choices ,how pretty does Millies cake looked with the flower frame ....loving your new adventures with resin!!
    Trish xx

  4. Beautiful jewellery from you, it looks incredibly effective!

    Love Trish's purses, so cute!

    Natalie x

  5. Thanks Gemma for including my Hematite earrings. Love your resin jewellery its very effective and love all your choices.
    Lisa x

  6. Thanks for including me on your blog. I'm enjoying watching your resin collections evolve. What will be embedded next? My son has a spider resin keyring but that's just gross!Apryl

  7. Gemma, I don't know how you keep up with it all! Listing and making daily and blogging so regularly and leaving lovely comments on everyone elses blogs! How do you do it?!
    Loving your pink and lace resin items!

  8. :oD
    I only work part time and have no babies to look after...yet!

  9. Love the lace resin jewellery, very unusual.
    Love the butterfly pendant too although they are all lovely. Thanks for including my scarflet. Linda

  10. Wow! A fantastic selection of items :D Thanks so much for including me. I love the little cupcake - so cute! :)
    Mags x

  11. Oh my goodness the pink and black glitter lace jewellery is absolutely gorgeous, so delicate. Katherine x


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