Saturday 9 October 2010

October Folkfest: Days seven to nine

My fester listings, lace scraps in resin.

And three favourites each day from other fantabulous October Folkfests. No theme today! Just things that caught my eye. As ever, click on the pics to be taken to the sellers' shops to find out more.


  1. Thank you so much for including my little heart shaped ammonite keyring / handbag charm. I love Ann's evening bag, so chic!

    Natalie x

  2. I love the lace resin earrings you have made - very pretty Gemma!

    All your choices would make great gifts too!

  3. lovely collection Gemma, thanks for featuring my calendar.

  4. lovely choices. really like the fingerless gloves x

  5. Beautiful things :) Thank you for including my keepsake box

    Dottie x

  6. Thank you for including my bag, lovely selection :)

  7. Thanks for including my bat necklace. I love your earrings, so pretty & unusual!

  8. Thank you so much for including my alpaca fingerless gloves in your lovely blog. Your earrings are beautiful & I love Dottie Designs keepsake box.

    Clare x

  9. Thanks so much for including my butterfly diary! I love your other choices too especially Clare's gloves and Natalie's keyring. And your lace earrings are amazing xx

  10. Thanks for featuring my Orange Bloom Bag and me again!! I really love that calender x


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