Wednesday 3 October 2012

September Crafting

Hi all. How was your September? Good I hope.
My crafty bug is dragging its little feet a bit but is coming back to me I think. Having outside sourced projects is helping- forcing me to do some beading at least. I did do a little creating last month and here it all is.
First up is the hairclips. You may have read in my August roundup post that I was making 2 more hairclips based on  Christina Vandervlist's Helix bangle pattern in Kate McKinnon's soon to be published "Contemporary Geometric Beadwork". Here are all 3 clips together (you have seen the little purple one before). As I write this they are hopfully with Kate across in USA.
I have finished other bits I mentioned in my Aug roundup post. Here is my first square for the Bead&Button bead-it-forward quilt project (a charity project raising money for breast cancer research- more info here) The sunflower button on my square is still on my to do list to be a free tutorial on this blog so keep an eye out if you're interested in it.
I also finished the steampunk resin cabochons I was talking about. Well, the ones Mary wanted anyway! I still have a pile of unfinished ones! Really looking forward to seeing what she does with them.
I also pattern tested a fantastic pendant tutorial by the lovely Beads by Becs. Its called 'Evolve' and can be bought in her Etsy shop. Such a fab reversable design.
I think the only other thing I completed in September was the bracelet in last month's Bead, Book & Bounce but here it is again incase you missed it. Its based on a design by Lisa Kan. Check the aforementioned link for more info.
October plans include more Bead, Book & Bounce work (always 2 books on the go) and check out the gorgeous new challenge over on OTTBS!! Not sure if I'll get time for much else as I'm busy every weekend I think but we will have to see.
Have a fab October everyone, whatever you're up to.


  1. Love the hair clips, they look so intricate. Lovely to see your blog popping up again :)


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