Saturday 2 June 2012

May Crafting

Well May was not very crafty at all. Lost my creative mojo a bit. I only made 5 pairs of cup studs (that's one day playing with silver and one day playing with resin). Here they all are.

I think I might keep the rainbow bead soup pair. I love making cup studs and finding little bits to put in but I've never kept a pair for myself yet. The ones on the left have pink sugar in them! I was going to make another pair with pressed forget me nots in but unfortunately I left my pressed flowers out in the sun by accident and they've gone brown. Must get on to picking and pressing some more soon... maybe this afternoon.
Still trying to decide what to do with my DamselflyGemma shop. My folksy shop is in holiday mode and I don't know whether I'm going to go back there or try somewhere else. Been pondering this for about 6 months now and just don't know! Now's not really the time to be getting into it though. June is going to be very busy. The maths GCSEs are in just over a week so I'm working the bank holiday and over the rest of half term as some tutees want last minute lessons. After the exams I'll be marking again although I do have the Laura McCabe beading workshop over at stitch'n'craft just inbetween the exams finishing and marking starting. Good timing there!
So with all that gong on in June, I don't think I'll be doing much creating this month (other than the workshop). Have a couple of bits I'd like to try and get done as pressents for people though so hopefully there will be a little more to show you next month even though I'll be busier!
Have a fab June everyone xxx

Edited to add: I did pop out and get some forget me nots so hopefully will be able to make forget me not studs in a couple of months :o)


  1. I have awarded your blog with an award ‘The Versatile Blog’ and if you want to have a read about it please see my blog. Thank you.

  2. Dome amazing stud earrings, I've always loved what people can put in resin to create different things and looks, but never tried myself.
    Thanks for sharing Siân :0)


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