Thursday 2 February 2012

January crafting

Happy February everyone! Time for me to look back and see what I achieved crafting wise in January.

There was felt flower bouquet making for my friends' wedding. We made the majority of the flowers late last year but we but the bouquets together earlier this month. Here is one of the bridemaid bouquets, all four bouquets we put together one Sat evening and three flowers I made the day before. Sorry for the poor photography, wasn't really paying attention when clicking.

I also made four pairs of resin earrings as gifts for the bridemaids.

All other crafting this month has been beading. I made this choker for the OTTBS January moodboard. See all the fabulous entries here. Its square stitched in 15s and adapted from a pattern by Lynne Soto. Its a little tight so I should probably add a couple more rows if I want to be able to breathe in it!

I also made these three pairs of earrings for the OTTBS earring challenge. We're supposed to be making one pair a week so I'm a little behind. Ooops! More details about each pair can be found in my flickr set.

Well that's all the creating I completed in January (I think). I did experiment with some other bits but they're not finished yet. Maybe I'll get them done this month and you'll see them in the next roundup post.



  1. You've had a busy January, lovely flowers - unusual.

  2. I love love love those felt flower bouquets! What a fun and funky twist for a wedding! You know I love your beading too!

  3. the felt flower bouquets are just incredible and what a fab idea for a have had a very busy January, its great to catch up with what you have been up to including that amazing beading!!

  4. Awesome bouquets! You have had a busy January.

  5. Ooh Gemma you been busy :) I LOVE those felt flowers. x


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