Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

Hello lovely readers. Happy New Year! Hope all your 2012 dreams come true. xxx

In Damselfly Gemmaland things have been a little quiet as real life Gemmaland has been a little on the busy side. Don't worry though, I haven't forgotten about the giveaway. I'll try and get that sorted this month so keep an eye out. Haven't decided on the format yet but will prob be a choice of bits.

Here on my blog I have a few plans. I would like to use it to keep a better record of what I create. I'm really bad at photographing creations so I'm thinking that at each month end/beginning of next I'll put together a photo mosaic or something, mainly for my own records and so I can see my crafty achievements.

This month I have some creating booked in that I better get cracking with (for friends' wedding) and I'm also considering doing a few challenges running around over on "Operation Tackle That Bead Stash". The January challenge (that the link goes straight to) is very cool and I had a fab new book for Christmas that could be very useful- Shaped Beadwork by Diane Fitzgerald. Over on the facebook group I'm taking part in a group challenge where we gave each one person picked a theme then you sign up and set the theme for the next person. I've got Earth, Wind and Fire. No time limit though so don't expect anything too soon on that front ;o) Also over on the fb group, Clair has suggested a earring beadalong where we make a pair of earrings every week for a year. Very, very tempted with this one!

On the folksy front. I've been a bit quiet. Haven't listed anything for a while. Not really been in the mood to and had a lot on. Hoping to get re-enthused on that front soon. I prob have a load to relist as I was listing daily 6 months ago. I'll prob start listing daily again soon. Missing the lovely people over on the folksy forums.

Well, there's some of my plans...what are yours? Exciting things planned?



  1. Hope you've been having a lovely real life time Gemma :)

    I've decided to take the plunge on OTTS need to kickstart myself to do something more regularly... got loads of ideas (more especially on the sewing machine front and really need to finish off some resin pieces :o)

  2. Happy New Year Gemma! I think we will all be busy with OTTBS stuff! I am going to do a finish a long too!

  3. Happy New Year Gemma...challenges and plans are a great way to start the New Year probably also need a long list to go with it!! Good luck and enjoy xx


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