Sunday 31 July 2011

July Jewels Finale

Its the last day of the July daily listing club over on Folksy. As its quiet at the monent, probably due to the school holidays, this is everything listed over the final weekend. Enjoy!


  1. What a lovely selection Gemma, well done getting them all together - what a task! There is such a brilliant choice I know where I'll be doing my Christmas shopping :-) xxx

  2. blimey o riley gemma...this blog must have taken you ages!!! its huge! lol

    thank you so much for featuring both Imogen's Imagination and Ickle Imogen :o)


  3. That looks smashing, must have taken you forever!

    Thank you so much for including some of my bag, brooches and bag charms to your fab selection.

    Lynda x

  4. Wow! That's fantastic. You've created a lovely collection that must have taken you hours of work. Thank you so much for including my items.

    Cat x

  5. Wow! I'd have got lost half way through!! But thank you so much for including my angels.

  6. Wow! That must have taken you ages! Welldone and thanks for featuring my ACEOs ♥

  7. What an amazing selection. Lots of gorgeous things, thanks for showing my picture,
    Emma x (Clarkie Designs)


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