Sunday 8 May 2011

Bead Busting Goals

A bit ago I came across a fantastically titled and packed full of fab content blog called Operation Tackle that Bead Stash! I have mostly been hiding in the background over there, reading the posts, making the odd comment and thinking about joining in with challenges and what not. Well- I have decided to stop hiding in the background and join in! After all- I started out beading. I may have wandered more into silver and even more into resin but beading was where it all started and I have a mountain of beads to prove it.

On Tuesday (although I only got round to reading it yesterday), Clair wrote a post entitled 'Bead Busting Monthly'. The idea is that we make a personal bead busting goal and blog our progress as well as cheering each other on.

So, hmmmmm.....beading goals for this month:

Anemone Cuff
Really would like to get this finished. Its based on the "Sea Urchin" project by Stephanie Burnham from the beadworkers guild journal 2006 and I probably started it that year so its high time I finished it! I did suffer a setback when I realised I didn't have enough of the fringing beads and it took me a while to get round to digging out the supplier and getting some more. Basically I have to finish off the fringing in the tiny size 15s and some sort of clasp. I know it looks nearly done but the fringing grows sooooooo slowly. I had a dire craft fair a week or so ago and I managed to complete about an inch in the 4-5 hours sat behind my stall. Them's gen-u-ine pieces of abalone shell buried amongst the fringing :o)

May Moodboard
Tackle that bead stash have a monthly challenge in their moodboards. I meant to join in last month as I have bucket loads of red beads from when I was wedding beading but somehow the month disappeared and I got no beading done. So, this month I shall make more of an effort to enter. Have some lovely greens in my stash but what shall I do with them? Ponder, ponder....

That's it for my goals for now. I may add to them if I find some spare time but the tutoring is getting very busy with the exams looming. Have to see how things go.


  1. I can totally understand why you're less than keen to continue all that fringing, but think about how fabulous you'll feel once it's finished. Not to mention how many comment and compliments you'll receive when you're wearing it! And thanks for coming out of the background to join in x

  2. Wow, that is one gorgeous goal and I LOVE the colour! Hope you can join in with our green moodboard this month :)


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