Friday 8 April 2011

Folksy Friday: Forests

Been a long time since my last Folksy Friday. Sorry! I can't promise that this means they're back for good though.


This Sunday I am trying out a Craft and Gift fair at Lyndhurst. 'Craft and Gift' fairs can be a bit hit and miss apparently. Sometimes they are full of imported cheap rubbish. Its a regular event and they may have space for me on a regular basis. We'll see how this one goes before I book any more.

Lyndhurst is a lovely village in the New Forest, Hampshire. I've always meant to visit as I drive through it every now and then on my way to other lovely places. Every time I pass through I think I really should stop here somtime for a proper visit. It boasts cute little shops and a Ferrari & Mazerati dealer!! Also the easiest one way system possible that I still get lost in and thats if I dont confuse it with Lymington. Doesn't take much to confuse this girl though.

Thought I'd have a nosey through Folksy looking for yummy Forest themed goodies. Here's what I found. Hope you like them!

New Forest Pottery Time; Audrey's Art;
Folk of the Forest; ....Buttercup's Bits & Bobs!;
Marcade Arts Press; Made Whilst Listening To...

Why not join in the Folksy Friday blog hop!


  1. Thanks for including my toadstools! Lovely choices. I love the forest! Good luck for the fair, Vic (Folk of the Forest) xx

  2. The mushroom (eaten last Autumn)on my notebook was picked somewhere near Lyndhurst!
    Thanks for including it.
    Hope you have a great time at the fair.
    Margaret :-)

  3. Beautiful Forestry finds! I have a series of Dawn's ACEO's and can vouch with how wonderful they are.

    Natalie x

  4. Oooh some lovely choices- especially the pottery!

    Hope tomorrow goes well for you :)



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