Saturday 5 February 2011

Ummm....Happy New Year! Plus Secret Santa goodies

Hello lovely blog readers. I have been a very bad blogger and missed January entirely. Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and January.  I accidentally started 2011 by deleting my last post of 2010. Whoops! Blame it on the seasonal lurgy.

Due to the affore mentioned lurgy and bit of mojo loss and internet loss due to broken router, I took a little break from listing daily on Folksy and hid under a rock for a bit. Feeling much better now though and have rejoined the madness of the Valentinos!

Also, back in Decemeber, I joined in with Secret Santa over on Crafteroo. I was a bit rushed mid December so forgot to photograph what I sent to Claire but she blogged here if you'd like to see.

I was very lucky to have Jane of Hooked Yarn as my Secret Santa. Look at all the wonderful goodies she sent me!

The scarflet and mitts are very warm and cosy, plus the flower is detachable so I can wear it in the summer too. Jane also sent me some cute little hands, feet and face in an old tin along with some old sewing snaps. She also sent me some tumbled gemstones and some chocolate. And look at the cute card. Its based on a drawing her son did a few years ago. So cute!! Thank you so much Jane. Love all the bits and pieces and the supplies will be put to good use. The chocolate already has been ;op

1 comment:

  1. ooh lovely things there
    love the little hands feet and face!


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