Thursday 2 December 2010

November Sparks Finale

Sorry for the lack of blogging. Its been very busy over here in Gemmaland. I wouldn't be blogging now but I've had to cancel much of my tutoring today due to the snow. (2 of my lessons may go ahead later if it clears a bit) I now have a bit of a dilema. I was going to put together many beaded Christmas decoration kits for the fair I'm doing on Sat in Croydon. I was seriously running out of time and didn't know if I'd finish writing the instructions in time let alone putting the kits together. Now I have a lot of free time today but what are the chances of me making it to the fair or the fair actually going ahead?
EDIT-the fair has been cancelled so that answers that question :o(

Anyhow...November Sparks! That was the point of this post. I haven't talked about them since 23rd. Naughty Gemma! Here's a few of the bits and pieces I listed in the last week.

Here's everything that was listed in the last day of the November Sparks. As ever, click on the pics to be taken to the sellers' shops to find out more. Some of these items have already sold but if you like it then you could always ask the seller if they can make you another!


  1. Thanks Gem! What a blog post! Stuffed choc-a-bloc with beautiful items! Thanks for featuring me too - I'm off to share on Facebook!

    Laura x

  2. Wow that is quite an accomplishment! Lovely stuff, I am sorry I didn't get round to listing on the last day:(

  3. Fantastic! What a great showcase to 'highlight' what 'bright' sparks we all were!

    My aqua hat and scarf set look very cosy in amongst all the glittering items that were listed that day.

    Thank you for making November Sparks such fun!

    Love Natalie x

  4. Wow what a blog post!! Thank you for including my mounted photo :)

    Kate x

  5. oh wow, this must have taken you ages! thanks so much for adding my jewellery to it - it all looks great like that! :)

  6. Oh my! You found something to fill your time while you were snowed in!! It looks beautiful

    Kate x

  7. Fantastic blog must have taken ages. Amazing to see what we all listed on 1 day, the pieces look so good in blog form. I must have had a good day there's 3 of mine listed.
    Clare :)

  8. Wow, it must have taken soooo long! It all looks so good together - and your latest jewellery is fantastic xx

  9. Wow an impressive blog post! It looks like an online gallery showcase! So many things for me to add to my favourites on Folksy. Thanks so much for including my necklace!

    Jen x

  10. That`s amazing, must have taken ages. Would love to know how you get them side by side(the pics)I`ve tried but just mange a long list. So many wonderful things. Thanks for including my hat. Linda

  11. Wow, doesn't it look great all together like that! Fantastic work, thank you!

    Carole x


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