Thursday 28 October 2010

Folksy Friday: Maths is fun!

So much maths tutoring going on in my life at the mo that its the only thing on my mind! So...a maths themed Folksy Friday...enjoy! (Quite chuffed that the first item to show up in folksy when searching for 'maths' is my pair of maths teacher earrings!)

Equations cufflinks by Bookity; Fun with shapes by One more time, please!;
Calculator iPhone case by CrankCases; Red/white dice kit by Curious Designs;
Numbers by Made with Tender Loving Care; Count with me by Indira Albert.


  1. The iphone case is wicked! as are the earrings! interesting choice of theme ✿

  2. I'm useless at maths but those items would definately make it much more fun!

    Debbie x

  3. I agree, you have made maths more fun! I love the earrings with the equations on xx

  4. Quirky and unusual theme, love it! That iphone case is so cute! x

  5. Great Picks Gemma, I'm pretty rubbish at maths!thank goodness for spreadsheets and calculators

    Max :o) x

  6. Very cool! I might need that ipod case in my life... :)
    Flo x

  7. I love it, i could even start to like maths too xx

  8. Ooo...errr! Maths, still need to take my gloves and socks off to do mental maths!

    Sad I know!

    Love your choices so cool!

    Natalie x

  9. Different theme, just love it...
    Great collection too.Thanks for featuring my work

  10. I always hated maths, give me words anyday, but the felt numbers are fab!

  11. urrggh - maths scares me - but what a great selection of number stuff you've found. I really like Bookity's cufflinks and the 'count with me' pic. x

  12. Yay, maths :-) Love the cufflinks.

    Sam x

  13. I love those appliqued shapes and that great poster, I only wish my children were still young enough for the simple maths!

    Kate x

  14. maths was always my best subject, never had to spend any time to be best in class :)

    cool finds


  15. Oooh some lovely items! Maths is soo much fun! Except on the Professor Layton game last night I couldnt even remember how to work out the area of the circle ahhh! Alegbra is much more fun.

  16. I don't think all kids will agree but yes Math is really fun!


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