Sunday 24 October 2010

Fantasy Creature Swap round up

Back in July I tried to organise a fantasy creature swap. I don't know if I picked the wrong time of year or whether the topic was uninteresting but I only had 3 people sign up by the deadline. As one was from the US, I took that and gave the 2 British girlies to each other. A Hungarian asked to join in after the deadline. I decided to let her join in and partnered her with me too.

The two British girlies were Louise of Nanuk Jewellery and Hannah of Squintessential, both fellow folksy sellers. Hannah makes gorgeous fantasy themed jewellery from silver clay and Hannah makes all sorts of quirky and fun jewellery (but I know from facebook is a fantasy nut!)

To see the gorgeous dragon pendant and wolf and other goodies that Louise sent Hannah click here.

To see the yummy beaded dragon set Hannah sent Louise click here.

Sorry to report that for me came disappointment. Despite several email reminders etc I have heard nothing at all from the two international participants since I allocated swap partners. Oh well. I'm not naming and shaming or anything but it has put me off organising a swap in the future- and if I do I prob wont have it open internationally. At least it was only me who lost out not others.

Well, this is what I sent to them. I made them both polymer clay dragon pendants (which were inspired by the work of Christi Friesen after reading her fab book).

Maybe the goodies never arrived- which would explain why I never heard from them- although I did email them to let them know I had posted them.


  1. aw what a shame - i love the dragons you made and sent - i can't believe people are so mean as not to say thankyou :(

  2. That's such a shame, as your two dragons are beautiful.

    Sam x

  3. I hope the next swap you take part in/organise is more sucessful. I have to say though I love what you sent. I hope those naughty no-shows are feeling the pangs of guilt in them. :(

  4. Thanks girls. Glad some people like them!

  5. Finally catching up with some reading. Oh Gem that's a shame those dragons are beautiful!


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