Tuesday 14 September 2010

September Stars: Days twelve to fourteen

My listings for days 12-14. The button earrings sold very quickly to the lovely Angela of BeadCornucopia (go peak in her shop. She has yummy bits and pieces for the jewellery maker and more). Thanks Angela!! The earrings were OOAK though I may make similar pairs if anyone's interested...?

And three favourites each day from other fantabulous Sept Stars. As ever, click on the pics to be taken to the sellers' shops to find out more.


  1. I had your button earrings faved, and they were snapped up before I could do anything! I bet they would make a great selling line of jewelley for you!

    Thank you for including my floral hat, my little girl will be so pleased she featured in your blog!

    Natalie x

  2. Gorgeous selection! I love the black rose necklace :)

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my skulls, great selections x

  4. Gorgeous choices as usual! What a nice surprise to see my black rose necklace :-) Thank you!

    I love your flower set in resin necklace (Wow) & the button earrings are so cute!

  5. Great creating from the Stars! I love Natalie's hat and the black rose is fab..and off course the buttons!

    Marie x

  6. thank you Gem for featuring my fold-up bag ,some lovely items in your selections from that talented bunch of people known as the "Stars" !!! I loved your button ear rings ,they would make a great line for you and every pair would be different ....still like a kid in a sweet shop with the resin then lol lol lol
    Trish xx

  7. Yep Trish!
    I'm gonna have to face it, I'm addictted to ...resin ;op


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