Saturday 18 September 2010

September Stars: Days fifteen to seventeen

Yesterday I said I post this later in the day but didin't get round to it. Sorry!

Having finally gotten round to making more gift boxes for my fossils in resin range I'm now on a massive run of fossilised shell listings. The shells were collected from the clay by me and Dad at Barton-on-Sea, Hampshire. I cleaned them ans have set them in clear epoxy resin. I have 8 pairs of earrings to list and a few pendants/necklaces and a bangle too. (I did list one pendant about a week ago though.) The last 3 days have seen three pairs of earrings.

And three favourites each day from other fantabulous Sept Stars. As ever, click on the pics to be taken to the sellers' shops to find out more.


  1. Hi Gemma, thank you so much for including my earrings with this lovely selection, I'm very flattered!
    Your shell earrings are beautiful, I'm looking forward to seeing the bangle :)
    Flo x

  2. Fantastic selection, I love that bubbly blue pendant and all of your shell earrings are stunning! Thank you so much for featuring my wine glass charms amongst such lovely items :)

  3. Lovely selection. So there are still shells in the mud at Barton (just down the road from me). What a great way to use them. I think I've still got a collection somewhere.... but I won't be making them into anything.
    Thanks for including my books!
    Margaret :-)

  4. Hi- thanks for featuring my Heart.

    Lovely way of displaying shells - I can't resist picking them up...ditto with conkers at the mo....


  5. Thank Gemma for adding my Lana scarf to your lovely selection. Love the earrings, they're so pretty, not got my ears pierced though too much of a coward.

    Clare :)


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