Saturday 4 September 2010

Marwell recycling week

Well I've done my two days at Marwell's recycling week. Not made many sales but the exposure was good. In total we took £87. On top of the sales I mentioned in last night's little post, I sold three fabric flowers (that I'd made whilst sat there the two days), one of Natalie's fossil pictures and one of Nat's rings. Didn't get extra sun frazzled today! Was cloudier and I wore long sleeves.

Look! I had a sign! Very exciting!!!

I took the above pictures this morning as I forgot to take one of my exciting sign yesterday. Here's how it looked on Friday.


In the fourth pic you can see my little display area. At the back is Jane's cassette tape crochetted pot cover and a fabric scrap patchwork bear bag I made when I was little. In front of Jane's pot cover is a beaded bag I made from an old car seat cover. Then in front of that is piles of photos from lovely folksy and crafteroo people who make beautiful things out of recycled goodies.

Whilst I sat on my bench I made fabric roses from old shirts and fabric scraps. I sold one on Fri and three today. Haven't got pictures of all of the ones I made.

The two blue ones sold today. The little one is an old shirt thats now a brooch and the big one is part of the bottoms of my bedroom curtains (they were too long!). Its a hair comb but I stiched a safety pin to it too so it could be worn as a brooch. I showed a few little girlies how to make fabric roses.

I had a super heathly smoothie too. And why was it super healthy? Well for starters it was a smoothie so lots of yummy fruit and for seconds I blended it by cycling! They had a blender attached to a bike so you could recycle your energy! You had to pedal frantically for about a minute. It was yummy.

Sleepy time now.....zzzzz


  1. Gem well done! The stall (and the sign) looks lovely! That skeleton draws you in doesn't it!


  2. Thanks Hannah :o)
    That skeleton is by Nat (O'blue). He got lots of admiring comments!

  3. Wow, you really had an amazing array on the stall. Thank you so much for showcasing my fossil pictures, that alone was fantastic, but to have sold one for me to is stupendous!

    Saint Gemma!

    Natalie x

  4. Wow! You powered your own smoothie!!

    What a fab time and what lovely things...well done! Lisa x

  5. Your stall looks great and I'm glad it was so lovely. I think sewing while doing a craft fair is a great idea too.

    Kate x

  6. I'm glad it went well, the bicycle blender sounds fun!

  7. Thanks for having me :)

  8. Your stall looked fab, I love how you displayed your jewellery! Well done on your sales, and at least you can take a well earned rest now, you just have to spend ages on the computer listed all the bits now!


Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments.