Sunday 26 September 2010

Giveaway time again!

Hello lovely readers. I feel like another giveaway! Who wants to join in? I'm going to run it in the same way as I ran my first giveaway. Basically there are three choices that you can win- all resin goodies this time! I'm giving all 3 away and will run 3 separate draws.

Choice 1- fossil shells in a resin pendant with a sterling silver bail

Choice 2- silk scraps, resin and sterling silver earrings

Choice 3- pressed forget me nots, resin and sterling silver earrings

What you need to do to enter- just leave me a comment here (or my facebook page: personal or shop) saying which of the three choices you'd like to win and I'll pop you into that 'hat' (not anon. because I wont be able to contact you if you win). Open internationally!!

You don't have to be a follower but it would be nice if you are. If you have some spare time I'd appreciate you visiting my shop and letting me know what your favourite thing is but only if you have a spare minute.

You have until the end of Mon 4th October to enter and I'll announce the winners on here sometime on Tue 5th. Feel free to blog/facebook/twitter/whatever about this giveaway if you want. Good luck!

Thanks for entering and thanks to everyone who takes the time to browse my shop.

Tally so far inc. 3 from facebook (Mon 5pm):

Fossil pendant: 12
Silk scrap earrings: 2
Forget me not earrings: 12


  1. OOh, what a lovely giveaway, I love the forget-me-not earrings, they are really pretty. Resin is a very addictive thing to work with!

    This is my favorite item in your shop at the moment but I also really liked the tiny forget-me-not studs you did a while back, they were really delicate and pretty :) sarah x

  2. ohhhhhhhhhhhh lovely another giveaway to enter .......I would love to win the pendant. I do love all your goodies as you know . Great giveaway thank you xx
    trish xxx

  3. They are all very pretty, but for me it would have to be the shell pendant. I love shells, the sea, spending time on the beach, you get the idea ;)

    My favourite thing in your shop is this pendant: It's gone on my wish-list :)

  4. What a fantastic giveaway! I'd pick the shell pendant too if I was lucky enough to win. I've already favourited one of your shell pendants. My favourite thing in your shop is definitely the heart shell pendant - its stunning!


  5. lovely! i especially like the fossil pendant- i think because i tend to wear more necklaces than earrings.

  6. Wow- I really like the choices. I am a big fan of the beach so I would have to choose the Fossil Shell Pendant. You have some beautiful things on your site.

    emsfsemsfs at gmail dot com

  7. Gemma, I too have to go with the shell pendants although tactically I should vote for one of the others! I'm definitely more of a pendant person!apryl

  8. Oh... a lovely give-away!... Fossil shells are to my liking (-;

    In your shop...this resin bangle is gorgeous!

  9. Hi Gemma,

    Lovely giveaway! My favourite piece of jewellery from your shop is the Musical Notes resin necklace!

    If I won this giveaway I would pick the Forget Me Not Flowers in resin!


    Jen x

  10. Ooh what a choice - I think my fave is the pendant!

    Also favourite item from your Folksy shop are the pearl and sterling silver flower earrings, they're gorgeous!


  11. All three items are lovely but I would choose the forgetmenot earrings as they remind me of my late Gran, I put a small bunch in her coffin as they were her favourite flowers and they were in bloom when she died and it seemed an apt way to let her know that I would never forget her.
    I have visited your shop and my favourite item is the Metalic fabric scraps and resin heart pendant I love the shape and smoothnes but it still has a little bit of sparkle about it.
    Jan x

  12. Wonderful, I adore all your items as you know, and too would love to win any of the items above, but I think the silk in resin is so unique!

    Natalie x

  13. They're all lovely gemma I dunno wot to pick :oS erm..... I'll have to say the fossil shell necklace :o) xXx

  14. Oh they are all so lovely! I would really like to win the forget me not earrings. I used to press flowers and make collages, cards etc etc with them, but not jewellery. It would be lovely to own these.

    Jacqueline x

  15. lovely giveaway :-) I do love those forget me knots they are so pretty. Your shop is fab! I do love the cute star earrings they always make me smile :-)

  16. I really like the fossil shell pendant. I love what you listed today the daisy in resin :) x

  17. Lovely giveaway! I love the forget me not earrings. It was quite hard to choose a fave from your shop, 'cos there is lots I love, but I think it would have to be your pearl and sterling silver flower earrings.

  18. I Love those triangle earrings but you knew that already didn't you?! (folksy friday!)

    Long time stalker

    I would like to win the forgetmenot ears

    please and thank you

    Hope all well

  19. I love the forgetmenots. I mean, like LURVE them!

  20. I love the clour of the silkscrap earrings, but they are all really lovely.

  21. Ooh Gem, am I greedy if I enter another one? Well, it'd be rude not too! My fave this time are the forgetmeknot earrings, simple and gorgeous. Andfrom your shop, well it has to be Real flower in resin and sterling silver pendant, I LOVE it x

  22. Hi Gemma,

    They are all gorgeous, but I think the forget me nots are my favourite. we have loads growing wild in the garden :-)

    Fave item in your shop is your newly listed round ball forget me not earrings I think

    Katie x

  23. Oh, it's like Sophie's Choice! :)
    They are all lovely but I'm going to have to say the forgetmenots too, they are just so pretty.
    Crossing my fingers!
    Flo x

    Oh and I love your textured silver triangle earrings :)

  24. Cartwheels in...

    Cartwheels out again...


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