Tuesday 27 July 2010

Giveaway win

I'm being a very bad blogger. I've so many exciting posts planned in my head but they don't seem to be getting written. Sorry! Jestering, life and a diminished mojo seems to have be getting in the way.

I really should have blogged about the lovely earrings I won in Hannelore's blog giveaway (of Astrid's Garden) yonks ago. Sorry Hannelore! I hadn't forgotten- just being a bad bad blogger. They came in a gorgeous box (that I may have to have a go at making myself- its fab!) and they are the most fabulous shade of green. The wire spirals are so neat too! Look!

Hannelore sells wonderful jewellery and other bits and pieces from her folksy/etsy/zibbet shops. Here are some of my favorites from her folksy shop.

Thanks you so much Hannelore for the wonderful earrings. Hannelore will be having another blog giveaway when she reaches 100 followers so pop along to her blog so you can be included next time!


  1. some great items, and well done you for winning one of them!

  2. That is possibly the cutest jewellery packaging ever! Oh, and lovely earrings - lucky you!


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