Wednesday 30 June 2010

June Loon Finale

Its the last day of the June loon listing challenge on Folksy. I managed to list 30 things and had 6 sales as a result. Yay! Wasn't quite one listing everyday as I wasn't around to list last Sun but I made up for it by listing 2 on Sat.

Well to celebrate, here are everyones listings for this last day (this will be added to as the day goes on). Can you guess which is mine? As always, click on the pics to be taken to the shops of these looney but lovely people.


  1. Thanks Gemma, everything just goes together so well!

  2. You have such an eye for colour and lay out, the treasury looks lovely. Thank you for including two of my items, you are so kind.

    Natalie x

  3. Gemma it's looking fab ..aren't we a talented bunch of Loons! Thank you for including my wee heart..
    Marie x

  4. Wow that's a lot and they all look so lovely, thank you for including mine

    Max x

  5. No special designing going on here! I'm just popping the pics up in the order they were listed! Its a happy coincidence that they all look great together

  6. Thanks for showing my silly owl :)

  7. Thank you for showing my baby girl card! All the items look fabby all in one place like that!

    Debbie x

  8. A wall of Loons - how fantastic!

    Thanks for including my necklace.

    Alison @ Blue Forest Jewellery

  9. Wow, it looks amazing.
    Thankyou for including my "love" heart.
    Enjoy your evening,
    Rachael x

  10. Gorgeous things! Thank you for putting my handbag on here :)

    Jen xx

  11. So many beautiful designs! Well done everyone :) (It looks like July may be a busier listing month than June...)thanks for listing my charm necklace Gemma :)


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