Thursday 10 June 2010

Give away wins

I've been very fortunate to win 3 give aways recently. I'm going to stop entering for a bit to give everyone else a chance (at least until I get round to hosting my own) but there are some fantastic ones around at the mo here and here for a start!

Give away win number 1
 I won this sweet little felt purse in Emma's give away.

Its way too pretty to be used as my main money purse because that gets very badly treated. Haven't decided what I'm going to keep in it yet but I LOVE it. Its soooooo me and what a great colour!

Emma creates amazing bags and purses. She only makes 3 of each design so you're getting something pretty unique when you get one of Emma's lovely creations. Check out her website ( to see all the lovely designs she has for sale at the moment.

Emma is also one of the authors of That Little Bit Greener; a great blog with place to share information, stories, links, tips and tutorials to make our lives 'that little bit greener'.

Give away win number 2
I won this gorgeous bracelet from Karen after becoming a fan of her facebook page.

Karen let me pick from a selection in her folksy shop. This read one jumped out at me so much that it went on as soon as it arrived. looked great with my snoopy nightie!! Its so swirly and squiggly and yummy! You should have a look at Karen's folks shop. I'm blown away by her bridal bracelet. Pity I've already been a bride!

Give away win number 3
Vonnie had a great give away on her blog for these lovely crafty bits.

(This is Vonnie's pic- hope you don't mind me borrowing it Vonnie.)

I remember- I was having a bit of a gloomy day when I got an email from Vonnie saying I'd won her give away. I have to admit- I'd completely forgotten I'd even entered! I had to pop over to her website to remind myself! Look at the selection! Isn't it girly and great. I'll be looking forward to the postman bringing this lovely parcel.

Thanks muchly to Emma, Karen and Vonnie for hosting such great give aways and watch this space for a give away of my own. I'll hopefully make some bits today for that very purpose.


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