Sunday 13 June 2010

1st giveaway!!

Hello lovely readers. I'm hosting my first giveaway as a thank you to you all and to celebrate getting over 50 followers here and on my facebook page. You have a choice of three things to win, I'll do three separate draws.

Choice 1- Swarovski crystal butterflies and sterling silver earrings. 5cm drop.

Choice 2- Lava rock, garnet and sterling silver earrings. 4.5cm drop.

Choice 3- Millefiori glass and sterling silver kinetic pendant (the bead will spin on the frame). No chain I'm afraid as I've none spare but it has a very large bail so you can put it on anything you like.

What you need to do to enter- just leave me a comment here (or my facebook page: personal or shop) saying which of the three choices you'd like to win (not anon. because I wont be able to contact you if you win).
You don't have to be a follower but it would be nice if you are, and if you have some spare time I'd appreciate you popping over to my shop and letting me know what your favourite thing is but only if you have a spare minute.

You have until Mon 28th June to enter and I'll announce the winners on here sometime on Tue 29th. Feel free to blog/facebook/twitter/whatever about this giveaway if you want. Good luck!

Tue lunch edit: Tally so far (inc 2 from facebook and 1 from folksy)
Butterflies: 8
Lava: 11
Pendant: 14
Thanks for entering and thanks to everyone who has taken the time to browse my shop.


  1. I LOVE the lava earrings. Very unusual and Stylish. They would be perfect to wear to a Black Tie wedding I am going to.

  2. Love the pendant! I like that it's spinny. Got lots of neck wires and chains here : )
    Been to your shops and I like the hairclips! Really unusual :)

  3. My favourite item in your shop has to be the Maths teacher earrings (being a maths teacher myself!)
    I would love to win the lava earrings - they're gorgeous.

  4. I love this best in your shop

    My favourite in your very generous giveaway is your pendant which is stunning!

    Dottie x

  5. Love the spinny pendant!

    And this one in your shop:

  6. Hello just started following you! Great giveaway, my favourite is the swarovski crystal butterfly earrings.
    And my fave thing in your shop is the shell beads bracelet
    Hayley x

  7. Oh, lovely pendant. Spinny millifiori = perfect : )

    Lovely things in your shop - but as I'm a sucker for orange my favs are

  8. You've got a lovely shop, i think the butterfly earrings are absolutely gorgeous, very summery, if we ever get any.

    Ruth x

  9. OOhhhh the choices! I would love any of them but my favourite is the pendant.

    Thanks for the give away!!

  10. What a generous giveaway! I'd love to win the lava earrings, they're beautiful.

    My favourite item in your shop is your textured silver triangle earrings, I bet they look stunning on!

    Congratulations on all your followers!

    Sarah :)

  11. Great giveaway!

    Gosh, I love all three of your items, it owuldbe difficult to choose, .... um .... your milliflori glass pendant is so different, so I would have to choose that I think, but I would adore to have any of the three.

    In your shop, I love your Carnelian and sterling silver dangly earrings, so simple yet classic!

    Natalie x

  12. I'd love to win the Lava Rock earings! Do you have any Lava Rock necklaces for sale as well?


  13. Ooh the lava rock,that is so unusual. I like a lot of items in your shop too

  14. @Natalie (number 2)
    Not yet but I could make one!

  15. Hi,
    Should be tidying... LOVE the pendant...

    Fab giveaway

  16. I like all of them but the pendant is top choice so count me in! Millie

  17. The butterfly earrings are definitely my fave :)

    I love the recycled shell bead bracelet in your folksy shop, its really different.

    Thanks for the opportunity. Good luck everyone!

  18. Nice
    I like the first choice the most :)

  19. I love the butterflies, they're light and summery and I love the colourful flowers in your shop

  20. I love the lava earings ....really unusual..........great giveaway :)
    Trish x

  21. My favorite thing in your shop are the Textured silver triangle earrings.

    I'd love to win the Lava rock earrings. They're beautiful!

    lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

  22. So Hard, I love the pendant adn the earings, but would get more ear out of the pendant. I really love your hairslides. Package being posted this morning - hope you enjoy

  23. the spinning pendant is lovely. my favorite item in your shop (apart from the earrings I purchased) are the textured triangle ones x

  24. What a giveaway! I love love love your pendant, as to my faves in your shop, has to be between your stunnig shell hairclip or the twisted silver bar earrings, beautiful!

  25. Thanks once again for all your entries and for picking your fav items in my shop. Its really interesting what you're picking.

    @Lisa: Which earrings? I don't know which hat to put you in!


  26. Thanks for including my little green dragon brooch! He's been a bit lonely so I showed him this page, and he's now desperate to be away finding other dragons (and he has a crush on the mermaid!)
    Love those butterfly earrings....

  27. I love your hair clips a shame i have short hair!

    I would love to win the lava earrings.

  28. I love your shop! I especially like the hair clips...

    If I were to win this competition, I think i would go for the kinetic pendant as I love tactile pieces of jewellery.

    Good luck with the give away!

    Jacqueline x

  29. I'm following now too! I love the spinny necklace too, it's so unusual.

  30. Those are all really really pretty!!

    I love the butterfly earrings but as I don't have my ears pierced i'd love to win the kinetic pendant!

    Thanks and good luck with your blog! (I'm now following :D)

    Sarah xx

  31. Hi Gemma

    I love the twisted bar earrings. Very simple, but very classy.

    Good luck with the blog, not easy is it!! I have only 2 followers on mine :o(

    Lara xx

  32. Hi lovely giveaway! Would love to win the pendant Elissa x

  33. Hey Gem!

    Using my new-found powers of blog commenting, I say, millefiore all the way! Yummy!

    I really love this from your shop:


Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments.