Sunday 14 March 2010

Bad blogger and decisions to make...

Sorry folks. I'm being a bad blogger at the moment. Live a bit topsy turvey as I've just given up my main job. Going to continue private maths teaching though. I'm also toying with the idea of openning a folksy shop. That and Phil's brother says I can sell jewellery in his bookshop. Just have to start deciding what I'm going to make to sell. At the mo I only make for myself and for gifts so I can spend days on a particular design but thats a bit impractical if I'm going to be selling them! Also, although my main craft passion is jewellery making, I dabble in all sorts of things. So should I sell other things too I wonder? A good thing about selling all sorts is that I can destash. I'm planning on cutting down on buying crafty supplies until I start selling. I'm not going completely craft neutral yet because if I see something thats a good price it would be silly to leave it in the shop. Also, I'm going to hobbycrafts at the NEC at the end of the month and there's not much point forking out for travel, hotel and entry if I'm not going to take advantage of the show prices!!
Decisions, decisions, decisions...


  1. I think a shop would be a good idea. I have no experience with Folksy, but it seems popular. Maybe have a look at Artfire as well - you can list items for free, and then if you like it, upgrade to a pro-shop.

    I think it's good to have a bit of a mix of stuff, but not too eclectic. Jewellery would be the main focus, I guess, so maybe you could sell other accessories, as well as some destash stuff? I just saw something gorgeous that was knitted - would you knit/crochet accessories to sell?

    Sorry, I just turn up on your blog and start rambling. I'm done now. :D

  2. Anyone is welcome to come along and ramble away!! The more the merrier :o)
    I prob would knit/crochet accessories too as yarn is in my many destash items!

  3. I am sure you make right decisions, Folksy is a very nice place and is local so even better, it seems like jewellery sells best but you can actually add from time to time many different things as well

    so start with Folksy and good luck with all the other decisions :)



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