Thursday 7 January 2010

Crocheted flower brooch

Well here's the result of yesterdays snow day.....

A crocheted flower brooch that I made up as I went along. Its only made using chains, slip stitches, doubles and trebles 'cos thats all I know how to do at the moment. Found a nice button in my depressingly small button stash. Also- my first make of 2010- yay!

As an aside ponder... a couple of months ago I had decided that I was going to concentrate on silver smithing as my craft of choice. I have been enjoying learning this craft but the prob is it takes up lots of space. Its too much effort to get it all out only to have to tidy it up if either of us need to use the dining table. Maybe I should give some serious thought to converting the garage.
But crocheting can be done in the warm and doesn't need as many tools. It doesn't take over the dining table either. It can be done on the couch whilst watching tv and you can do it at any hour without having to worry that your hammering is disturbing the neighbours. Oh, and wool is cheaper than silver!!
Ponder, ponder, ponder......


  1. Am so with you about crocheting! I do sewing as well, but crochet is always first choice because I don't have to get the machine out, find the right thread, a new needle, a zipper, some iron-on interfacing.... etc. I love your brooch - and the choice of button - very pretty.

  2. I agree with Craft Matters, crochet is the future! If you can create your own pattern at the beginning then you will be freeforming with the best of them in no time!


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